Catalog • Christmas and New Year • Boys
Nick and the Honest Snowman
It was New Year’s Eve, and Nick was playing in his snowy backyard. The air was cold, but his cheeks were warm from running around. He had just finished building the biggest snowman he had ever made. He gave it a carrot nose, shiny button eyes, and a scarf from his closet.
• You look perfect, Mr. Snowman! – said Nick proudly.
Suddenly, a soft voice replied.
• Thank you, young man. My name is Roy.
Nick blinked and stepped back.
• Did you just… talk? – he asked.
• Of course! New Year’s Eve is the one night when magic happens – Roy said with a chuckle.
Nick’s eyes grew wide, and he clapped his hands.
• Wow! This is amazing! Can we be friends? – he asked.
• Of course, but you must promise to always be honest with me – said Roy.
Nick nodded quickly, though he didn’t really understand why honesty was so important.
Roy bent down slightly, his button eyes twinkling.
• Let’s go on an adventure, Nick. Follow me!
With that, Roy began to walk—yes, walk!—through the snowy yard and into the woods. Nick followed, his boots crunching on the snow. They came to a frozen pond that sparkled under the moonlight.
• Let’s skate across! – said Nick, excited.
• Wait – Roy said, holding up his snowy hand. - Is the ice safe?
Nick hesitated. He didn’t know, but he really wanted to impress Roy.
• Yes, it’s safe! – Nick said quickly.
Roy tilted his head.
• Are you sure? Remember, honesty is important – he said gently.
Nick bit his lip.
• Well… I don’t really know – he admitted.
Roy smiled kindly.
• Good job being honest. Let’s find another way.
They walked around the pond instead, and soon they came to a sparkling bridge made of icicles.
• Let’s cross it! – said Nick, eager to see what was on the other side.
But as they stepped onto the bridge, the icicles trembled and made a tinkling sound like tiny bells. Suddenly, a voice echoed from the bridge.
• Only those with true hearts may cross! Speak your truth, or the bridge will crumble!
Nick froze. He looked at Roy nervously.
• I… I’m not sure if I’m brave enough for this adventure – Nick whispered.

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SomSome tRoy knelt beside him, his carrot nose almost touching Nick’s.
• Being honest doesn’t mean you’re not brave. It means you’re strong enough to say what’s true – Roy said.
Nick nodded, feeling a little braver. He turned to the bridge.
• I’m scared, but I’ll try my best – he said loudly.
The bridge sparkled brighter, and the voice replied.
• Honest hearts are welcome. You may cross.
Nick and Roy made it to the other side, where they found a glowing snow globe sitting on a pedestal. Inside, tiny fireworks lit up a magical snowy village.
• It’s beautiful! – said Nick, reaching for it.
As soon as he touched the snow globe, a deep voice boomed.
• Only those who have been honest may take this treasure. Have you spoken the truth tonight?
Nick felt his heart pound. He remembered the pond and how he had lied at first.
• I… I wasn’t honest at first – Nick admitted. - But then I told the truth. I’m sorry.
The snow globe glowed even brighter, and the voice softened.
• Admitting your mistakes is the greatest honesty of all. You may keep the snow globe.
Nick looked at Roy, who smiled proudly.
• You did well, Nick. Honesty brought us here, and it will always lead you to the right path – Roy said.
Nick held the snow globe tightly.
• Thank you, Roy. I’ll always try to be honest from now on – he said.
As the clock struck midnight, Roy gave a little bow.
• My job here is done. Happy New Year, Nick.
With a puff of snow, Roy disappeared, leaving Nick standing in the yard. He looked at the snow globe in his hands, the tiny village inside twinkling with fireworks.
• Happy New Year, Roy – Nick whispered.
And from somewhere in the snowy night, he thought he heard Roy’s warm chuckle.
The End.